A Difference In Approach

Typical pain management approaches for neuropathy in New Buffalo use of heavy prescriptions to curb the symptoms. Depending on the severity of the neuropathy these medications might be critical to deal with the pain of the condition. However, most people find they would prefer to limit the amount of these medications. This issue is always between the patient and their medical provider.
Our Approach Is Different
After an initial consultation with Dr. Strother. The two of you will decide if proceeding with an examination and testing is appropriate. Because our approach is different, we are typically a clinic that is sought after medical management has already begun. Our goal isn’t to replace medical management. Our goal is to improve nerve function. For each patient, we decide which tools are appropriate and help people cope with difficult neuropathy conditions. By using Advanced Electronic Signaling Technology, nutrition, spinal corrective measures, massage therapy, our ingrained (chiropractic) philosophy is critical to the systematic approach we have for helping people with neuropathy.
After the examination and testing are completed then a time is set for the results and the treatment plan to be reviewed.
No sales pitches are given. Dr. Strother simply reviews if he believes he can help. If so, then the details of the treatment plan and prognosis are given. Once the details are reviewed then patients can make an informed choice.
Our goal is to help people who find our approach to be a good fit for them. As much as we would like to claim we cure Neuropathy, the reality is it is a difficult condition that doesn’t have a cure. We must rely on your body’s innate ability to heal and work to improve its resources to mend.
9:00am - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
Corrective Chiropractic Clinic
1 Madison Street
New Buffalo, MI 49117
(269) 469-1310